Meta Tags

SEO Help: Meta Tags Titles, Descriptions & Keywords

The “meta tags” are a very important part of your web page. They are read by the search engines but are not displayed as a part of your web page design. Usually they include a concise summary of the web page content and you should include your relevant keywords in them. The most important tags are the title, description, keywords.

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Giving your website personality

What Kind of Personality Does Your Website Have?

I often joke that all of my art and design creations are my children, living beings that I have evolved into something real and wonderful. But isn’t it true? The work that I create has personality, and it has the ability  to evoke feelings, thoughts and effectively communicate information. But unlike humans, I get to predict how exactly this creation will operate…how it will look and feel and speak to an audience. How fun is that?!

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The Basics of Branding

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business, large or small, retail or B2B. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets. But what exactly does “branding” mean? How does it affect a small business like yours?

Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your offering from your competitors’. Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

Are you the innovative maverick in your industry? Or the experienced, reliable one? Is your product the high-cost, high-quality option, or the low-cost, high-value option? You can’t be both, and you can’t be all things to all people. Who you are should be based to some extent on who your target customers want and need you to be.

The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotional materials–all of which should integrate your logo–communicate your brand.

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Workplace Wellness

Is Your Workplace Making You Sick?


As I write this blog post I can feel my neck and back aching from sitting at a desk all day. I’ve also got a touch of eye strain and I think my knees are a bit locked up. What a mess I must sound! But my discomfort has inspired this blog post, which asks the question: is your workplace making you ill?

The combination of long hours, stressful working conditions and a poor diet can leave us susceptible to all manner of health problems. So perhaps it’s time to look at your work environment and habits to see if they need an overhaul.

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Social Media Posting: Twitter

The most successful posts on Twitter come in a few basic flavors, such as;

  • Links to Articles or Resources on the Web
    If you find a great article on the web, copy and paste the link and tweet it out to your followers. An added bonus of posting links is that your influence on Twitter actually increases as more and more people click the links that you post!
  • What you’re doing, working on, or thinking about
    So, although you technically can tell your followers what you had for breakfast, don’t! They’d probably be more interested in a recommendation of the diner where you’re eating. Use your common sense and only post things that you think will be of interest your followers.
  • ReTweets of Useful Messages
    Twitter thrives when good content is shared. In the Twitterverse, this is known as a ReTweet. If you read a tweet that you think might interest your followers, don’t keep it to yourself – ReTweet it!
  • Conversation
    This is one of the most powerful (though often underutilized) features of Twitter. People want to engage with people, not with brands or advertisements. Use Twitter as a way to converse and genuinely interact with people and you’ll wonder why you hadn’t done this much sooner!
  • Ask Questions
    Want to know if someone can recommend a good product? Post questions to your Twitter followers and it’s likely you’ll not only get the answer but you’ll start a new conversation in the process!
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