2015/16 Marketing: What To Keep And Cut

This is a great article written by ROI, a leading digital marketing company in Australia but is relevant anywhere. Business owners take a few minutes to know where to invest your dollars this year!

Cut It………

1. LinkedIn cold selling

Treating your LinkedIn contacts or any other social network’s connections as a database for email campaigns is a bad idea. Instead, concentrate on using LinkedIn the way it was intended, by having meaningful discussions.

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A guide to publishing wordpress posts

Writing A WordPress Post

Congratulations! Your WordPress website is up and running. Posting in your blog is easy, but it’s absolutely essential that you do it correctly! Invest in about 15 minutes to read through below. Following a few guidelines will make all the difference and increase website traffic.

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How To Get Your Website Ranked On Google

Quick things you should do now:

  • Add the website URL to Google
  • Include the website address in your LinkedIn profile and ask your staff to do the same
  • Add the website address to your Google profile
  • Make sure that all your marketing materials include your website – letterhead, business cards, print ads, flyers
  • Share your new website on Facebook/Google +/Twitter
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SEO Help – How To Write Great Website Content

Content is king they say. This has never been so true as it is when you are talking about web content. There is so much information available on the web these days that people expect information to be unique, timely and relevant. The content needs to be fast loading, clean and easy to read, easy to navigate and especially easy for the search engines to index.

This is the recipe for successful web content in a nutshell but getting from theory to reality is the part that most web sites miss. Going beyond the obvious — Good grammar, spelling and choosing a clean, clear typeface — there are many things that you can do to write quality content for your website. Here are a few to consider:

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Meta Tags

SEO Help: Meta Tags Titles, Descriptions & Keywords

The “meta tags” are a very important part of your web page. They are read by the search engines but are not displayed as a part of your web page design. Usually they include a concise summary of the web page content and you should include your relevant keywords in them. The most important tags are the title, description, keywords.

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