COVID-19 Art Therapy

Reflecting on the past year

When my friend Eng suggested doing a collaborative art grid for our (no name) Art Group, I knew he was onto something. I loved everything about this idea. We were in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it came at just the right time.

My Square #3 – Processing in Motion

Our collaborative grid served as a form of ART THERAPY at a time when physical connections were cut. We had social media, but this outlet often elevated panic and stress. I wanted to initiate a project that encouraged people to take a moment to turn off the media and to take an inward journey. One that could be both creative and calming. And one that could allow us to process the pain, hurt and fear that would engulf so many of us in 2020.

With a grid project, each square is created separately, but yet they are all needed in order to create the whole. We wanted our artists to feel the same and to be reminded that although we were isolated from each other, together we are still connected.

Our grids were turned into puzzles. Further encouraging the turn off of social media, and to participate in an activity using our hands. One that is calming and meditative. Also, without a physical exhibition, this gave people the opportunity to see the artwork as a printed piece “off screen”.

Proceeds were used to promote positive and inspirational artwork on our social media platforms. Postcards were also printed, and hung along storefronts through New York. Personal messages written on the back. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

Collaborative Grids were also created for the Summer Kids Camp, and also translated into Cyrillic in 2021 to embrace other languages and cultures.

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